Contact Us

Address: 11 Akpakpan Street, Ekpri Nsukara, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Phone: +447773081888 ; +234 703 497 6039


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Join Our Facebook Community: We have a safe group where we connect daily and share in our Joys and lows together.

Your journey can help support others through their journey. Whether you dealt with or are still on the journey of dealing with infertility, fertility related issues, miscarriage, stillbirth, medical termination or early infant death. Your journey can touch and even save lives.


The financial expenses of infertility procedures can be very demanding especially low income earners and this can deprive many from having their own children. It is our hope to help subsidise or take care of fertility treatments as we continue to raise funds for this foundation. 


There is always a first step to take when you find out it’s taking long. An estimated one in seven couples have difficulty conceiving. If you are having trouble, you’re not alone. Find out why conception may not be happening naturally and what you can do