Testimony to encourage TTC mothers
After trying for 16years, It finally ended in praise (Twins)
I vowed to God to share this testimony to encourage TTC women.
I got married in 2002, waited for 16 years, and in 2018, I got pregnant and did 5 scans, my baby was ok and in a cephalic position. 3 days into my EDD, September, I was sleeping when I heard a loud sound in my stomach, the pain was unbearable. my husband rushed me to the hospital, straight to the theater. when they opened me up they saw that I had internal bleeding inside, my baby had died, he tore himself from the placenta, and my womb had torn in two places . My womb was stitched in two places.
Doctors said, it is a rare case and it will take the grace of God to have children. When I got home, more than 100 people in my compound came to sympathize with me, when they broke the news to me, I told them that my God can not give me a child and take it back. I asked my youngest sister to bring all the drinks wine, beer, and gin and share with everybody to celebrate that (I am a woman whose womb can carry children)I asked everyone not to mourn the child but to congratulate me The women in my street, went out and we’re calling me witch, that is like I don’t want the child before, that why will I not cry, a lady came back to tell me but I reply her that she should go back and tell them that (I DASH THEM MY TEARS). A week later, I started church with my unhealed incision mark.
People were gossiping about me. Five months after the operation, in February 2019, We had a program in my church, the THEME: God of Double Possibilities. God’s servant asked us to win souls for Christ, I engaged in serious Evangelism. Two weeks after the program, I had a dream where I was given a gift and he said,(This is your reward for aggressive evangelism). That same day when I woke up, in the afternoon I started feeling funny, I bought a PT strip and did it .it showed positive. Two months later, went for the scan, and I was carrying Twins. I gave birth in October 2019 My kings(Twins) just clocked 3years on October 6th.
I pray for all TTC Mothers,I don’t know how many years they have waited, But I waited for 16 years and ended in praise God is still working. He will break protocol for their sake, and give them a new womb. The God who turned the two stitched places in my womb into two twins will answer all the TTC moms speedily.